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· 50 ratings · 13 reviews
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Кто бы дал мне ее в 10 лет! Может проблем бы меньше было бы и не выросла бы я такой удобной для всех.
Отличная книга для подростков! К сожалению в 30 лет мне она была в тему как никогда...
Apr 20, 2008 Karen Cooley rated it really liked it
Although this book is primarily written for teenage girls, I think most women could benefit from some of the positive messages it leaves with us. One example would be how it describes our media as deleting the one ingredient that makes all girls/women beautiful---self-respect. It says that every girl that has self-respect is beautiful and it describes how you can think about things to gain that. I had to think about whether or not I believed that, which challenged my own brain-washing. Of course Although this book is primarily written for teenage girls, I think most women could benefit from some of the positive messages it leaves with us. One example would be how it describes our media as deleting the one ingredient that makes all girls/women beautiful---self-respect. It says that every girl that has self-respect is beautiful and it describes how you can think about things to gain that. I had to think about whether or not I believed that, which challenged my own brain-washing. Of course it is true-- and the messages in this book stay with you. It is a quick read and especially important to any teen girl you know. ...more
I wish I would have had this book when I was a teen. It is packed full of information I really could have used back then. Filled with sound, practical advice for girls, this book discusses how to set boundaries with your self, your families, your friends, and your potential partners. It even has a chapter on how to take action within your community to make it a better place!I checked this one out from the library, but I fully plan on purchasing a copy for my two girls to read when they are old e
I wish I would have had this book when I was a teen. It is packed full of information I really could have used back then. Filled with sound, practical advice for girls, this book discusses how to set boundaries with your self, your families, your friends, and your potential partners. It even has a chapter on how to take action within your community to make it a better place!I checked this one out from the library, but I fully plan on purchasing a copy for my two girls to read when they are old enough (I think that the chapters on setting boundaries with families and friends can be useful for the tween set, but some of the chapters are definitely meant for teens of high school age.)
this book has a lot of thoughtful, useful content. the exercises are practical tools for starting conversations with young people about self-esteem and healthy relationships. i think it's great the book is written specifically for girls and i hope in future editions the authors will expand the target audience to include anyone who experiences gender oppression. that said, the authors discuss the "isms" right from the beginning and create lots of room for discussion to accompany all sections of t this book has a lot of thoughtful, useful content. the exercises are practical tools for starting conversations with young people about self-esteem and healthy relationships. i think it's great the book is written specifically for girls and i hope in future editions the authors will expand the target audience to include anyone who experiences gender oppression. that said, the authors discuss the "isms" right from the beginning and create lots of room for discussion to accompany all sections of the book. recommended. ...more
Jul 19, 2018 Sarah rated it it was amazing
Read in a few hours. I'm giving this a 5 because it so effectively and efficiently accomplishes it's mission - no doubt this score was influenced by the importance of that mission.
Jun 03, 2009 planet rated it really liked it
An awesome resource for talking about boundary-setting, self-defense, positive self-image & self-worth, healthy relationships, etc. with young people (and older people, too!). Provides helpful definitions, scenarios, activities, & stories from teens about their own experiences dealing with different tough issues, such as bullying, harassment, family abuse, etc. I like how it explores both figuring out and setting our own boundaries, as well as learning about and respecting other people's boundar An awesome resource for talking about boundary-setting, self-defense, positive self-image & self-worth, healthy relationships, etc. with young people (and older people, too!). Provides helpful definitions, scenarios, activities, & stories from teens about their own experiences dealing with different tough issues, such as bullying, harassment, family abuse, etc. I like how it explores both figuring out and setting our own boundaries, as well as learning about and respecting other people's boundaries. Awesome section on boundaries around sex and dating. While it acknowledges gay/queer identity, I would love to see further exploration of it (personal stories from queer & gender variant youth would be amazing in this context). Also, I'd love to see a version not specifically aimed at girls- I think all people can benefit from the positive messages in this book. ...more
Jul 11, 2012 Elizabeth rated it it was amazing
This is one of those books that I wish I had had as a girl- it gives practical advice on what to do and say to deal with difficult situations. The tone is positive and empowering even with subjects like incest. Women of any age can get something out this book. I've bought it for many of the girls in my life and have my own copy shelved next to Our Bodies, Our Selves. It's the perfect book to set girls up with the tools they need to survive adolescence and grow into women who know how to speak up This is one of those books that I wish I had had as a girl- it gives practical advice on what to do and say to deal with difficult situations. The tone is positive and empowering even with subjects like incest. Women of any age can get something out this book. I've bought it for many of the girls in my life and have my own copy shelved next to Our Bodies, Our Selves. It's the perfect book to set girls up with the tools they need to survive adolescence and grow into women who know how to speak up for themselves. ...more
Jun 01, 2009 Dani Cree rated it really liked it
This book was very helpful to me in my preteen years.
It touches on everything you could possibly be struggling with at that age, but it has some tips ans strategies that can be helpful for any woman, any age.
The authors are down to earth, and understand how hard it can be to get respect when in high school. They are all the suppost parents give, with all the advice you'd expect from an older sister. This book was very helpful to me in my preteen years.
It touches on everything you could possibly be struggling with at that age, but it has some tips ans strategies that can be helpful for any woman, any age.
The authors are down to earth, and understand how hard it can be to get respect when in high school. They are all the suppost parents give, with all the advice you'd expect from an older sister. ...more
Oct 24, 2010 Lyddie rated it really liked it
A good book for junior high girls to read, though the cover art is terrible. It doesn't seem like a book many girls would pick up in a book store, so I'd stick it on my daughter's book shelf for her to find when she was ready. A good book for junior high girls to read, though the cover art is terrible. It doesn't seem like a book many girls would pick up in a book store, so I'd stick it on my daughter's book shelf for her to find when she was ready. ...more
Nov 16, 2010
Jennifer rated it
really liked it Recommends it for: tweens, teens, high school young ladies
Great book for tweens/teens and even high school girls. I feel like it puts together expectations and reality, and connects the dots. It's a guide, but it really leaves it open for you to decide how to make your life make sense. Great book for tweens/teens and even high school girls. I feel like it puts together expectations and reality, and connects the dots. It's a guide, but it really leaves it open for you to decide how to make your life make sense. ...more
Aug 12, 2015 Tiffany rated it really liked it
I used parts of this book to teach my SPARKS (girl power) group.
Jul 02, 2008 Courtney rated it it was amazing
Is it wrong to rate your own book? Well, I'll base this on what girls say! xo Is it wrong to rate your own book? Well, I'll base this on what girls say! xo ...more
Courtney Macavinta is an investigative journalist whose articles have been syndicated by the Associated Press and published by the Washington Post, Wired News, Red Herring, Business 2.0, and the Sacramento Bee online. Fighting for young women's empowerment has always been Courtney's passion. Until 2001, she was the editorial director of ChickClick, where she oversaw publishing and helped relaunch
Courtney Macavinta is an investigative journalist whose articles have been syndicated by the Associated Press and published by the Washington Post, Wired News, Red Herring, Business 2.0, and the Sacramento Bee online. Fighting for young women's empowerment has always been Courtney's passion. Until 2001, she was the editorial director of ChickClick, where she oversaw publishing and helped relaunch the network to cover topics such as body image, health, and getting into college.
In 2002, Courtney received a Fund for Investigative Journalism grant to investigate women's working conditions in Silicon Valley, and she has appeared on radio, TV, and in national print media as an expert on subjects from women's media to politics.
She has collaborated or volunteered with Girls For A Change, the YMCA, CanTeen, Our Schools, Our Media, the Ms. Foundation's Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America's Courtney lives in San Jose, California.
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How to Get Respect Back From a Girl
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